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Summary of Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? By Mark Hyman The book Food What the heck should I eat, addresses and rectifies all the food myths we have grown to religiously follow. It proposes that the miracle of food exists all around us. That miracle refers to real food that is grown naturally in the ground, and not the overly-processed, unnatural junk that fills our store shelves. The former strengthens, restores, and enriches our lives while the latter is the root cause of most sicknesses and deaths, and pretty much everything else wrong with the world. It aims to solve the food confusion the world is known with today and bring to the fore front what we should really be eating to remain healthy and strong. This book contains detailed chapter by chapter summary and key take away of the original book to serve as a study guide, and help digest all the idea to the fullest. You can get this book to get the Gist from this great author! Please note: This is a summary, analysis, and review of the book and not the original book. This book is meant for a great companionship of the original book or to simply get the gist of the original book.